What makes a good beer? Who runs the show? How to survive as a small independent brewery? With the help of several personal stories, Friedrich Moser’s new documentary feature BEER. A LOVE STORY takes a deep dive into the international beer industry and the second most consumed beverage on the planet.

Category Documentary
Director Friedrich Moser
Production blue + green communication
Country Austria, Belgium
Format 4K, HD
Runtime 93 min
Year 2019
Language English, German, Italian
Subtitles German, French, Italian, English, Spanish
Genre Arts & Culture, Food/Culinary, Nature & Environment


  • "Audience Award" Biennale Bavaria Film Festival, Germany (2021)
  • Seoul International Eco FF, The Foods We Love section, South Korea (2023)

Quotes & Other

  • Theatrical release Austria (Filmladen)
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