Self-taught Bittor Arginzoniz has achieved world fame as a grill genius with his restaurant Asador Etxebarri, ranked number 3 of the world best restaurants in 2019. His personality and the place where he lives make his cuisine unique, minimalism is his trademark. Bittor has revolutionized the way people roast meat, fish or vegetables. He has a remarkable ability to coax out explosive flavour from seemingly simple ingredients, most of which are grilled over his famous adjustable-height grills. The film offers viewers an exclusive look into Bittor’s way of working, from the obsessive search for the best product to preparation and cooking. Bittor shares his sources of inspiration and motivation.

Category Documentary
Original title Bittor Arginzoniz. Vivir en el silencio
Director Iñaki Arteta
Production Leize producciones S.L.
Country Spain
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 84 min
Year 2019
Language Spanish
Subtitles English
Genre Arts & Culture, Biography, Food/Culinary, Nature & Environment


  • Culinary Zinema, San Sebastian International Film Festival, Spain (2019)
  • FIPADOC, France (2020)
  • Vilnius IFF, Lithuania (2020)
  • Edinburgh Spanish FF, UK (2020)
  • Devour! The Food Film Fest, Canada (2020)

Quotes & Other

"Arteta has achieved an unusal degree of intimacy with Arginzoniz and his family and shows the chef in action in his kitchen, in some scenes never seen before ".

"Bittor is a person deeply rooted to his land, who sends messages to the world with his special cuisine, based on the ancient way of cooking with fire but with the innovations of these days."

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