Renowned Japanese fashion designer Yuima Nakazato is a key figure in the ethical manufacturing movement. As the second Japanese designer ever invited to Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week, Nakazato is dedicated to merging his unique artistic vision with sustainable, green technology. Kosai Sekine's film DUST TO DUST chronicles Nakazato's journey towards socially responsible fashion, from the landfills of Kenya to the Paris runway. Through his ethereal designs, Yuima Nakazato offers a radical reimagining of the fashion industry, emphasizing a future where creativity and care for the world go hand in hand.
Category | Documentary |
Original title | 燃えるドレスを紡いで |
Director | Kosai Sekine |
Production | Generation 11 |
Country | Japan |
Format | HD, DCP |
Runtime | 89 min |
Year | 2024 |
Language | English, Japanese |
Subtitles | English |
Genre | Arts & Culture, Design & Fashion, Nature & Environment |
- "Human/Nature Award", Tribeca Film Festival, USA (2024) - World Premiere
- Ars Electronica, Austria (2024)