Year after year, just after the monsoon season has finished, thousands of families travel to a bleak desert in Gujerat, India, where they will stay for an endless eight months and extract salt from the earth, using the same painstaking, manual techniques as generations before them. Director Farida Pacha and cinematographer Lutz Konermann spent a season with one of these families, observing the very particular rhythms of their lives and crafting an exquisite, lyrical film in the process.

Category Documentary
Director Farida Pacha
Production Leafbird Films
Country Switzerland
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 58/92 min
Year 2013
Language Gujarati
Subtitles English, French, German, Spanish
Genre Economy, Food/Culinary, Human Interest, Nature & Environment


  • „IDFA Award for First Appearance“ IDFA, Amsterdam (2013)
  • „Best Documentary Feature Film“ Edinburgh Int’l Film Festival (2014)
  • „Firebird Award“ 38. Hong Kong Int’l Film Festival (2014)
  • „German Camera Award“ Deutscher Kamerapreis (2014)
  • „First Price of the Jury“ Documenta Madrid (2014)
  • „Competition“ Los Angeles Film Festival (2014)
  • „Competition“ Melbourne Int’l Film Festival (2014)
  • „Competition“ Message to Men St. Petersburg (2014)
  • "Best Documentary" and "Best Cinematography" Mumbai IFF, India (2016)

Quotes & Other

"A mesmerising, lyrical work about endurance, craftsmanship and family dynamics, all unfolding in a stunningly bleak landscape, where abandoned bicycles and machinery pepper the ground." THE GUARDIAN

"Cinematographer Lutz Konermann captures the backbreaking beauty of it all, while director Pacha finds her way into the very heart of this timeless ritual." OBSERVER (UK)

7,5/10 Rating IMDd (Internet Movie Database)

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