In the heart of Mumbai lives Sheikh Rehman, the city‘s last painter of film posters. His studio is run in the old masters‘ style - behind the screen of an old Hindi film cinema. Here, Rehman is both artist and guru, comedian and philosopher. But modernity is taking over and the audiences that have come in for generations for refuge and entertainment are dwindling. With the theatre facing potential demolition, marketing has turned to more plastic movie posters to lure in more people, replacing the need for Rehman’s original work. It’s a hopeless struggle but Rehman won’t give up ...
ORIGINAL COPY is a delightful ode to life and the cinema. As Rehman says, movies are like life: “The reel keeps rolling, and the movie goes on.”
Category | Documentary |
Director | Florian Heinzen-Ziob & Georg Heinzen |
Production | polyphem Filmproduktion |
Country | Germany |
Format | HD, DCP |
Runtime | 52/95 min |
Year | 2015 |
Language | Hindi, English |
Subtitles | English, German |
Genre | Arts & Culture, Biography, Human Interest, Society |
- „World Premiere“ Hot Docs Int. Documentary Festival, Canada (2015)
- Leeds Int. Film Festival, UK (2015)
- Yamagata Int. Documentary Film Festival, Japan (2015)
- A Design Film Festival New York City, USA (2015)
- International Film Festival Rotterdam, Netherlands (2016)
- Mumbai Int. Film Festival, India (2016)
- A Design Festival Singapore (2016)
- "Best Documentary & Best Director" Fantastic Fest Austin, USA (2016)
- Glasgow Film Festival, UK (2017)
- New Zealand Architecture and Design FF, Australia (2017)
Quotes & Other
"There's no Hollywood ending to this keenly observational work, but in true Bollywood style, Rehman has more than done his duty." EYE FOR FILM
8,1/10 Rating IMDb (Internet Movie Database)