SHE CHEF is a portrait of a newly crowned world champion chef. After completing her training at Austria's top restaurant, "Steirereck," 25-year-old Agnes embarks on an exciting journey to learn from the best chefs in the world and develop her own culinary language. Despite the differing personalities and styles of the famous chefs from Vendome, Disfrutar, and Koks, the stars of the scene are men. We accompany Agnes on her own path to becoming a top chef in a time when women are no longer content to simply take a backseat. SHE CHEF raises questions about the future of the workplace, work-life balance, and the dreams of the next generation. Along the way, the film introduces us to the sensual beauty of this craft beyond the usual celebrity culture.

Category Documentary
Director Melanie Liebheit & Gereon Wetzel
Production Horse&Fruits Filmproduktion
Country Austria, Germany
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 105 / 56 min
Year 2022
Language German, English, Danish, Spanish, Catalan
Subtitles English, German, French, Spanish, Romanian, Russian, Chinese, Arabic
Genre Arts & Culture, Biography, Youth


  • DOK Leipzig, German Competition - World Premiere, Germany (2022)
  • Stranger Than Fiction Documentary Festival, Germany (2023)
  • Vision Du Reél, Grand Angle Competition, Switzerland (2023)
  • Crossing Europe, Austria (2023)
  • "FFF Talent Award Documentary Film", DOK.fest München, Germany (2023)
  • Transilvania IFF, Romania (2023)
  • San Sebastian IFF, Culinary Zinema, Spain (2023)
  • Beholders Film Festival, The Netherlands (2023)
  • Cinéma Allemand Paris, France (2023)
  • Ulsa Ulju Mountain FF, South Korea (2023)
  • "Honourable Mention for Best Feature Documentary Award", Devour! The Food Film Fest, Canada (2023)
  • FIPADOC, Taste of Doc, France (2024)

Quotes & Other

  • "In a direct cinema style, always remaining close to the protagonists, the co-director Melanie Liebheit takes the audience behind the scenes of ‘Haute Cuisine’, with an exciting, entertaining narrative approach and clear dramaturgy. Little by Little, different working cultures are revealed and Agnes asks herself how she would like to work in the future: what kind of working environment is important to her? Which is right? And how can you combine family and career? Agnes represents a generation of young women who no longer take a back seat in male domains."
    - Jury Statement DOK.fest München "FFF Talent Award Documentary Film"
  • Eligible for DISTRIBUTION SUPPORT by German Films. For details click HERE



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