There's one thing milk stands for — health. It's seen as natural and nutrient-rich. Which is exactly what makes it so attractive for the market. But is it really that healthy? We set out to take a critical look at the milk system. Along the way we'll meet farmers, dairy owners, politicians, lobbyists, NGOs, scientists. Each has their own views on the value and consequences of an industry with world-wide impact. Whether in Europe, Asia or Africa, milk is the allegorical model of streamlined-for-growth global food production and its consequences. The film uncovers surprising truths behind the system. Who profits at whose cost? Does the system have a future and are there alternatives? A journey across continents (Europe, Africa and China) that deals with preconceptions and brings solutions to light.

Category Documentary
Original title Das System Milch
Director Andreas Pichler
Production Eikon Film
Country Germany, Italy
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 52/98 min
Year 2017
Broadcaster RBB/ARTE
Language Danish, German, Italian, English, Chinese, Peul/Wolof, French
Subtitles English, German, Italian, Spanish
Genre Current Affairs & Investigative, Economy, Food/Culinary, Geopolitics, Nature & Environment


  • CPH:DOX, Denmark (2018)
  • DocPoint Helsinki, Finland (2018)
  • CinemAmbiente – Environmental Film Festival, Italy (2018)
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