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With the construction of the Indian planned city of Chandigarh, the Swiss and French architect Le Corbusier completed his life's work 70 years ago. Chandigarh is a controversial synthesis of the arts, a bold utopia of modernity. The film accompanies four cultural workers who live in the planned city and reflects on Le Corbusier's legacy, utopian urban ideas and the cultural differences between East and West in an atmospherically dense narrative.

Category Documentary
Original title Kraft der Utopie - Leben mit Le Corbusier in Chandigarh
Director Karin Bucher, Thomas Karrer
Production Karrer Multivision
Country Switzerland
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 53/84 min
Year 2023
Language English, German
Subtitles English, French, German
Genre Architecture, Arts & Culture, History & Archive Footage, Human Interest, Society, Travel


  • "Best Film", Venice Architecture Film Festival, Italy (2023)
  • Film and Architecture Festival Prague, Czech Republic (2023)
  • Architecture Film Festival Rotterdam, The Netherlands (2023)
  • Birmingham Film Festival, UK (2023)
  • Architecture & Design Film Festival, USA & Canada (2023/2024)
  • Solothurn Filmtage, Switzerland (2024)
  • Stranger than Fiction, Germany (2024)
  • Architecture & Design Film Festival Chicago, USA (2024)
  • FIFA Montreal, Canada (2024)
  • Architecture+Design Film Festival Winnipeg, Canada (2024)
  • Tilburg Architectuur Film Festival (TIAFF), The Netherlands (2024)
  • New Zealand Architecture + Design FF, New Zealand (2024)

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  • Theatrical Release Switzerland via Cineworx GmbH Distribution August 24, 2023
  • Theatrical Release Germany via Real Fiction February 22, 2024
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