Virgilio Martinez is much more than a chef, he is an artist and explorer. Central, his Lima restaurant, reigns as the world's best in 2023. Together with his wife Pía León, he reshapes gastronomy. Virgilio is an explorer of Peru's different regions, giving its origin to the revolutionary concept of the "World in Altitudes", based on the elevations of the earth that forever changed the way local gastronomy is seen in today's world.

Category Documentary
Original title Virgilio
Director Alfred Oliveri
Production House of Chef, Astromax
Country Argentina, Urugugay
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 88 min
Year 2022
Language Spanish
Subtitles English
Genre Arts & Culture, Food/Culinary, Human Interest, Nature & Environment


  • San Sebastian Film Festival, Culinary Zinema, Spain (2022) - Closing Film (World Premiere)
  • Food Film Festival, Estonia (2023)
  • Havana Film Festival New York, USA (2023)
  • FICMEC: Festival Internacional de Cine Medioambiental de Canarias, Spain (2023)
  • Genuss Film Festival, Switzerland (2023)
  • Seoul International Food FF, South Korea (2023)

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