An abandoned apple orchard, rescued by chance, thrives under the caring hands of the people driven to rejuvenate this Vermont hillside, who encourage the trees to flourish where once they stood bent and broken. A four-season meditation on time, change, loss, and renewal, WHITMAN BROOK offers a glimpse into a world that moves with a different cadence, where we are invited to slow down, pay attention, and recognize the extraordinary.

Category Documentary
Director Ben Silberfarb
Production Dorman & Facwett
Country USA
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 68 min
Year 2023
Broadcaster N/A
Language English
Subtitles English
Genre Arts & Culture, Human Interest, Nature & Environment


  • White River Indie Film Festival (WRIF), USA (2023)
  • "Jury Award Best Documentary & Audience Choice Award", Vermont IFF, USA (2023)
  • Millennium Docs Against Gravity FF, Poland (2023)

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