BIRDS is a hybrid narrative short film that intercuts moments in the lives of teenagers in Austin, Texas. Made up of individual vignettes, each scene realistically depicts a moment among groups of friends. Collectively, these intercut moments show a bigger picture about what it means to be young today. Teen lovers, best friends, troublemakers, cheerleaders, BMX bikers, and a lonely e-boy compose the motley cast of characters—made up of first-time actors playing themselves on screen.
Category | Short film |
Director | Katherine Propper |
Country | USA |
Format | HD, DCP |
Runtime | 13:50 min |
Year | 2021 |
Language | English |
Genre | Award-Winning, Drama, Live-Action, Romance |
- New Orleans Film Festival, USA (2021)
- "Special Mention. -International Competition", Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, France (2022)
Quotes & Other
- "A love letter to a teen-age summer vacation"
-Lauren Elyse Garcia, The New Yorker