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Everyday on the way from the parking lot to his office a businessman mets a hobo begging for coins. And day after day the businessman spends a little bit money. One day the hobo starts to wash the businessman’s car ... A tragicomic story about the longing for human warmth told in Berlin in 1999. Nominated for an Academy Award (Oscar®) in 2000.

Category Short film
Original title Kleingeld
Director Marc-Andreas Borchert
Production Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Country Germany
Format HD
Runtime 15:32 min
Year 1999
Language German
Subtitles English
Genre Live-Action, Oscar®


  • Nominated for the Academy Awards, (2000) (Oscar®)
  • "Winner Honorary Foreign Student Award", Academy Awards (1999) (Oscar®)
  • "Price of Honour", Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Student Section (1999)
  • "German Short Film Award in Silver" (1999)
  • "Best Student Short", Aspen Shortest (2000)
  • "Special Distinction of FIPRESCI Jury", Krakow ISFF (2000)
  • "Silver Mikeldi for Fiction" Bilbao International Festival of Documentaries and Short Films (2000)

Quotes & Other

  • "A paradigm of everything a short film should be - compression, precision, every shot in the service of the one idea. Everything orchestrated seamlessly towards that one idea - very effective, very poignant."
    - Jury statement for Best Student Film Winner at Aspen Shortsfest 2000

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