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Santiago, Chile 1980s - Camila and Paula are 7 years old, neighbors and best friends. Outside of their own four walls, the everyday life of children and adults is determined by Pinochet's military dictatorship - strict discipline, curfews, harassment & protests.

Category Short film
Director Carolina Cruz
Production Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF
Country Germany
Format HD, DCP
Runtime 09:31 min
Year 2024
Language Spanish
Subtitles English, German
Genre Animation, Drama


  • "Special Mention Lotte Reiniger Award for Animated Film", ITF Stuttgart, Young Animation Competition, International Competition, Germany (2024)
  • FICAM Mèknes, Morroco (2024)
  • Chilemonos Festival Internacional de Animación, Chile (2024)

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